Give Back


在太阳城官网, 回馈社会并不是一种公共关系声明, 但这是我们团队的战斗口号. 我们致力于回馈我们所服务的社区.

我们支持的组织可能会不时变化. 我们总是在寻找那些需要帮助的人, to find places where our physical and financial contributions can make a difference.

当你成为太阳城官网商业社区的一员, your direct purchases from 太阳城官网 will support these organizations. 

无论是清理海滩, 提供干净的饮用水, 给饥饿儿童的食物, 或者找个温暖的地方睡觉, 每个项目都对我们所服务的社区有直接的影响. 

We thank you for the opportunity to make a difference in your business and the world.

下面只是一个开始. 经常回来了解我们是如何回馈社会的.


与Xylem水印合作, 太阳城官网 participated in taking steps to help those in need of clean, 安全饮用水.

在2023年6月, Xylem水印公司举办了“为水而行”团队挑战赛, 汇集了50个专门的团队, 包括太阳城官网, 为了共同的事业. “道森·沃克”作为一个团队取得了惊人的5分,128,727 steps, earning them a well-deserved 2nd place amongst all of the competing teams.

集体, 参赛队伍筹集了超过16美元,200, directly contributing to the Chris Long Waterboy’s Foundation’s mission to ensure access to clean drinking water for one million people across the globe. Together, 我们联系了CBS的其他频道合作伙伴和Xylem的员工, 在帮助社区的同时锻炼身体, and came together as a team encouraging one another every step of the way.

太阳城官网 Walk Water Team挑战赛-第二名


太阳城官网, the spirit of giving is at the heart of our holiday traditions. Each year, we rally together to collect canned foods and dry goods for the Pomona Valley Food Bank, 伸出援助之手给那些
我们的社区可能正面临艰难时期. 今年也不例外, and we are grateful to share the success of our ongoing initiatives by making these worth-while donations.


本着真正的社区精神和同情心, 我们在第一个大箱子里装满了必需品, 这是道森一家慷慨大方的具体证明. 这个初始交付, was a moment of joy and reflection as we played a small part in bringing relief to those who need it most. As we embrace the slogan “Hunger has no Holidays” 太阳城官网 is dedicated to continuing our efforts and we will persist in collecting food donations to create yet another delivery for those experiencing hunger.

Thank you to everyone at 太阳城官网 who has made this initiative a success. Your kindness and generosity is the reason we can make a difference in the lives of others. 更多信息请访问

太阳城官网的执行副总裁David Hernandez & Jose Ruizesparza是波莫纳食品银行的运营经理


8月8日, 2023, the tight-knit island community of West Maui experienced a devastating wildfire that brought about an immense loss of life, homes, 文化遗址, 以及当地企业. 联邦应急管理局估计2,170英亩的土地被大火吞噬,超过200英亩的土地被大火吞噬,200座建筑物受损或被完全摧毁, 全岛都感受到了这场灾难的影响. It was in the face of this tragedy that 太阳城官网 stepped forward to offer a helping hand. 太阳城官网慷慨捐赠了5000美元.他向毛伊岛食品银行捐赠了100万美元,并鼓励员工也捐款. This contribution aimed to provide immediate relief to those in need by providing food to those affected by the wildfires.


毛伊岛食物银行, 能够接受挑战,分发出令人印象深刻的250,000磅新鲜农产品和1.3 million pounds of food to those adversely affected by the disaster to date. 即使面对逆境, we have the capacity to come together and make a meaningful difference in the lives of those in need. 如果你也想捐款,请考虑访问:



与Xylem水印合作, 太阳城官网 holds their Second Annual 海滩清理.

拯救我们的海滩, 一个位于海豹滩的非营利组织, conducts monthly beach cleanups in the First Street parking lot on the third Saturday of every month.

在2022年9月17日的活动中,太阳城官网. brought a large contingent of employees and family members to volunteer and help clean up the beach. 一笔2000美元的捐款被用于拯救我们的海滩.

太阳城官网 & Xylem志愿者与来自海滩清理的Steve Masoner合影.org
太阳城官网 & Xylem志愿者与来自海滩清理的Steve Masoner合影.org
从左至右为太阳城官网. 商业发展小组埃里克·德克尔,肯德尔·史密斯和R.估算部的J Santiago Joel Parada总裁,C.E.里克·塞拉芬

斯科特·泰伯,外销部 & Family

金·帕拉西奥斯,外销部 & 尼克·埃克达尔,培训部主任

太阳城官网 & 木质部(贝尔 & Gossett)

Xylem,贝尔的母公司 & Gossett, is a leading technology company committed to “solving water” by creating innovative and smart technology solutions to meet the world’s water, 废水, 能源需求. Xylem不仅致力于水行业的创新, but is also dedicated to giving back to the community here in the USA and globally through Watermark, 它的企业责任项目.

Watermark works with nonprofit partners on sustainable development projects that provide education and protect safe water resources for communities around the world. Employees and stakeholders are encouraged to take action to address global water challenges by volunteering their time, 提供无偿的专业知识, 捐赠实物技术和产品, 并进行与企业相匹配的资金捐赠.

Recently Xylem dedicated itself to help fight the COVID-19 pandemic by diverting manufacturing capability to produce protective face shields for front-line workers. 以满足当地的需求, Xylem reached out to its representative network to distribute the face shields.

太阳城官网 took this opportunity to support our local front-line workers and contacted multiple organizations to distribute the face shields. 总共捐赠了5200多个面罩.

Thank you to front-line workers for your relentless and unwavering effort to protect our community and fight this horrible pandemic. Your steadfast courage and commitment to your profession is to be admired, and we commend you!



的使命 梅根的翅膀 is to improve the care and quality of life for children with cancer by providing financial and emotional support to their family.

Our vision is to create a community where no family faces the financial and emotional burdens of childhood cancer alone.


  • 患者援助
  • 气体的援助
  • 每月协助
  • 领养一个家庭
  • 生日俱乐部
  • 导师的支持


If you own a business or work for a big company that might be interested in partnering with 梅根的翅膀 to help the most vulnerable childhood cancer families thrive, 我们正在找你. 由于过去两年的筹款活动中断, we have shifted away from Event Sponsorships to Program Partnerships so that we can securely fund our programs and keep them running smoothly.

Program partners commit to make a one-time or annual donation to 梅根的翅膀 that directly funds our Financial Aid and Support Service Programs. We want families affected by pediatric cancer to know they can count on the financial and emotional support that 梅根的翅膀 provides, and we can do this better with solid partnerships that are independent of events.

We are looking for businesses willing to make a commitment to 梅根的翅膀 in lieu of attending an event, 我们的病人援助, 每月的援助, 气体的援助, 生日俱乐部, and Mentor Connection Programs can continue providing the critical services families of children with cancer depend on.

了解更多太阳城官网太阳城官网的信息. 回扣计划.
